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Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Old 02-07-2012, 10:22 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Damn kids and their music
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Old 02-07-2012, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by guionM
Minimum wage went up to $5.15 in 1997. 1997 and 1998 were also the years where gasoline reached historic low prices when adjusted for inflation. Gasoline in 1998 reached an all time historic low price of $1.50 in 2011 dollars (or a mere .60 cents in 1979 dollars... that's below 20 cents in 1960 dollars).

Gas prices have nothing to do with kids not being into cars, and any mention of the price of gas in the past must be adjusted for inflation. Last year, gas averaged about $3.50 per gallon, pretty close to what it was in 1981 in constant dollars. If you want to look on the flip side, gasoline today is about $1.15 to $1.20 in 1979 dollars.

Inflation adjusted Gasoline Price Chart
Gasoline Price History

The real reason kids aren't as intrested in cars today (as mentioned already) is perfectly simple. There's far more gadgets today that they can buy themselves which unlike cars don't need parental help, don't need months and months of saving, don't need multi year commitment to making payments.

The final thing is that we've had a period where in their early teen years, there weren't any real exciting cars that sparked their imagination. Instead of flaming chickens on hoods, cars named after cartoon characters, or even bright eyecatching colors, we had streets full of family SUVs and toyota or Honda sedans. Both economy as well as performance cars lacked any styling impact outside of those things with huge wings and overly complex engines.

Personally, I think the pendulum will swing back the other way. Kids who were in elementary school when "Transformers" came out are the ones who are also having their view of cars formed in this day where car styling is king over function and bright colors (and variety) are hitting the streets.

Although this upcoming group don't make up nearly the numbers of previous generations, I suspect that as this group reaches car buying age, they will be more open to cars than those now reaching car buying age.
Just giving my perspective, sorry...

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Old 02-07-2012, 12:35 PM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Originally Posted by JasonD
Thanks for linking this one. It helps me understand what is going on in my son's head.

We have been helping him save money for a car since he was a little kid. For every straight "A" report card he would get, we would give him $100...and half of that went into a bank account. When he did work like mow his grandfather's yard or something extra for a few bucks...we would have him put half of it in a bank account. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The reason for this the wife and I didn't get a car handed to us. We had to work for it and make it happen...and we did. We had some help, but nothing like what our friends had. Our friends had free cars given to them by their parents the day they turned 16. As you might expect, they didn't appreciate them. One of my buddies went through three cars by the time I went though one. All his parents did was complain...and then buy him another one. my son is 15 this year. He enough money in the bank for a decant starter car.

Lucky for him, my wife's brother-in-law got a new Malibu, and was selling his old car...a 2003 Pontiac Bonneville SLE with around 90k miles on it. He is an engineer for GM, so he knows how to take care of a car. I did my research and it seemed like the perfect car for my son. It is overall in very good to excellent shape. Even better, he said he would sell it to my son for a deal that cannot be refused...WAY under book value.

So my son and I go over to his house to look the car over, even though he has ridden in it a few times recently and knew all about it. I helped him make the deal, with the understanding that it would come out of his bank account. Here's how it went...
Me: " you want this car?"

Him: "Yeah...I guess. It's ok."

Me: "Just ok? This is a very nice car, and a smokin' deal"

Him: "Yeah, it's fine. Sure."

Me: "Ooookay...:"
So...I made the deal "official". Standing there, looking it over a bit more...the conversation went something like this...
Me: "Do you wanna take it for a quick spin around the block or something?"

Him: "Nah...I have been in it before."

Me: "Aren't you excited? Man! This is your first car! This is a big deal!"

Him: "Sure, I guess."

Me: "Son...there are two things that happen in a young man's life that he never forgets and can never do the same way is buying your first car, and the other you can figure out when I say we shouldn't talk about it in front of your mother."

Him: "Huh. Yeah."

Me: "Just 'Yeah'? Aren't you fired up about this?"

Him: "I dunno. It's not that big of a deal, dad. Maybe when I am 16 and I can drive it. Now, I dunno."

Me: "You don't know? This is awesome! Nice car, great shape. When I got my first car, I wanted to drive around the world in it the first day."
I was very confused. When I got my first car, which was a POS, I wanted to sleep in it that night. I almost did. We made the deal on my son's car last fall, and he hasn't said a thing about it since. It is still in the same parking spot in my relative's driveway.

But take away his XBox or Facebook or cell phone....and the world will come undone.

I must be getting old, because this is among a few things I don't get. The appeal of monotonous rap music, Lady Gaga, and now this. Yup...I must be getting old.
I will counter your story with my own personal story of my "1st car." Long story short, my Dad found out about a 1950 Ford Flathead V8 sitting in storage for something like 30 years. This thing was in "like new" condition besides the paint job and gas tank. Zero rust, tons of chrome, awesome interior. Oh and it had an original 14k miles on the clock. He paid $1000 dollars and said "Son, you show interest in this car and get it nice and polished up, you can have it when you turn 16. I was probably about 14 at the time. I did some small maintenance on it. Not much. Showed probably about as much interest as your son is doing for his car.

Then I turned 16. Dad had sold the car for lack of interest on my part and I ended up with a rusted out 1966 Plymouth Valiant Slant-6. I loved it. I didnt take the best care of it, but it was still mine.

Morale of the story....being able to actually drive it makes an enormous difference. What really got me into cars, though, was when my Dad let me drive his 69 Buick Wildcat. Big block. I floored it one time and I've been a car guy since.

Hope this helps.
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Old 02-07-2012, 12:39 PM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

I will also say that I truly believe there is a "car person" inside of everyone. Some just haven't driven the right car. Reference my above post about my Dads 69 Wildcat.

Isn't there a commercial saying about the same thing?
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Old 02-07-2012, 01:39 PM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Originally Posted by OutsiderIROC-Z
Just giving my perspective, sorry...

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I'm not sure you're theory is that far off, just that it's not the price of gas that's driving it, but the lack of Inflation Adjustment on the Income side.

Basically Gas may be stable by Inflation Adjustment, but if you made $5.50/Hr in 1980 then in 2011 it should be ~$13.50 or so. But as we know it's not that high, so to your point a higher percentage of your income needs to be spent on gas now than in the 1980s.

Although on the flip side, I also think today's Kids require immediate gratification more so than previous generations.... So the large expense item of a car simply cannot hold their attention long enough to justify the larger cost.

Basically they are drawn to multiple 'smaller cost' items to entertain them

Hell I think I've even gone that route.... I put less time into my car than I did 10 years ago, although I still appreciate the time I do put in
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Old 02-07-2012, 02:45 PM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

I was fortunate enough to have parents that had the means to buy me a new car when I turned 17 back in 1999. I am the opposite of the kids described in the article. I could not wait to get my license. I scheduled to have my road test on my 17th birthday and after I passed, I went straight to the DMV to get my license. I took driver's ed as soon as I could and had my permit.

To me, getting a license and my own car was pure freedom. Sure, I had rules I had to follow and I had to pay for gas and insurance, but driving was the ultimate teenage goal back then.
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Old 02-08-2012, 04:24 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

JasonD, I have to wonder how your kid likes driving your Camaro?
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Old 02-08-2012, 08:03 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

So far my 3 1/2 year old is all about cars... and I never pushed it on him... so I HOPE it stays that way...

Originally Posted by JasonD

Looks a heck of a lot like this...

Dude... if he doesn't want it.. I will buy it from you.. (but i gotta get the same awesome deal... ) I would rock that car any day of the week as a daily driver.

And tell him to get an Android phone... damn it. Iphone's are not cool anymore
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Old 02-08-2012, 08:22 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Originally Posted by AdioSS
JasonD, I have to wonder how your kid likes driving your Camaro?
Glad you asked, I was going to talk about this.

MY wife has never driven it. She drove my last one, but she doesn't want to drive this one. She is afraid something will happen to it while she is behind the wheel and she will feel guilty. She's a good woman. Despite the power, the car is very easy to just have to keep your foot out of it as it starts to get very fast in a hurry.

My son hasn't really expressed any desire to drive it. I think he'd like to...but I also think he is a bit intimidated by the idea.

So the other day, I was thinking about this and I decided to do something.

You know how some people learn to swim by being thrown in a pool? On the day my son turns 16 this year, I am sure we will put some attention to him getting his driver's license. On that day, I will just hand him the keys to the Camaro and tell him to go take it for a spin.

He might take me up on it. And maybe...just maybe...he will pull up next to some chick he goes to school with at a stop light. And maybe...just maybe...he will get the reaction we all would have wanted to get at that time in our lives. For all of us, it is different...but you all know what I am talking about.

And then...he will get it. Without question, he will get it.

And then he will leave her in a cloud of smoke and rubber when the light turns green. And there won't be a way to make me more proud.

Maybe I am already expecting too much out of him. I can hope, can't I? At the very least, I hope the he takes me up on the idea, and before he leaves I will say the same thing to him that I say when the wife and I leave him in charge of the house for a weekend. "Don't do anything dumb, and don't do anything to **** me off." He's a great kid, we are very proud of him. Smart, heavily involved in sports, extremely trustworthy...I think this will be good for him and I won't have any worries.

...but just in case, I have a buddy who owns an awesome body shop.
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Old 02-08-2012, 08:29 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Originally Posted by jcamere94z28
So far my 3 1/2 year old is all about cars... and I never pushed it on him... so I HOPE it stays that way...
He used to be into cars a lot more. It just sorta faded away as he grew up, despite how our lifestyle revolves around them.

He is still interested in them...just not to the level I would hope for.

Dude... if he doesn't want it.. I will buy it from you.. (but i gotta get the same awesome deal... ) I would rock that car any day of the week as a daily driver.
No way...I'll keep it myself.

And tell him to get an Android phone... damn it. Iphone's are not cool anymore
I myself have considered moving over to Android.
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:37 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

I don't know about you guys but when I was a Senior I was almost the only one in class that gave a rip about cars/racing ect..
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:58 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Originally Posted by JasonD
Thanks for linking this one. It helps me understand what is going on in my son's head.

We have been helping him save money for a car since he was a little kid. For every straight "A" report card he would get, we would give him $100...and half of that went into a bank account. When he did work like mow his grandfather's yard or something extra for a few bucks...we would have him put half of it in a bank account.
My parents were the same way. I'm not that old, (24 in 3 mos) but I'd disagree with this article from my point of view. I got my permit the very first day that I could (IIRC, on the day of my 15th birthday) and had my first car ('94 Camaro 3.4L 5-speed) before I turned 16. I didn't get my driver's license until a week or two after my 16th birthday but that was due to both my dad's work schedule and I also had to find a job to pay my car insurance before I'd be allowed to drive anyway. I had mowed a bunch of yards and whatnot since I was about 14, but I needed a more steady form of income.

I use to drive around just to drive, but then again in 2004 gas was only $2/gallon. I wonder if the $3-4/gallon gas prices have a factor in this "trend" or if I'm just immune to it being the son of a car guy.
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Old 02-08-2012, 10:02 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Originally Posted by JasonD
Glad you asked, I was going to talk about this.

MY wife has never driven it. She drove my last one, but she doesn't want to drive this one. She is afraid something will happen to it while she is behind the wheel and she will feel guilty. She's a good woman. Despite the power, the car is very easy to just have to keep your foot out of it as it starts to get very fast in a hurry.

My son hasn't really expressed any desire to drive it. I think he'd like to...but I also think he is a bit intimidated by the idea.

So the other day, I was thinking about this and I decided to do something.

You know how some people learn to swim by being thrown in a pool? On the day my son turns 16 this year, I am sure we will put some attention to him getting his driver's license. On that day, I will just hand him the keys to the Camaro and tell him to go take it for a spin.

He might take me up on it. And maybe...just maybe...he will pull up next to some chick he goes to school with at a stop light. And maybe...just maybe...he will get the reaction we all would have wanted to get at that time in our lives. For all of us, it is different...but you all know what I am talking about.

And then...he will get it. Without question, he will get it.

And then he will leave her in a cloud of smoke and rubber when the light turns green. And there won't be a way to make me more proud.

Maybe I am already expecting too much out of him. I can hope, can't I? At the very least, I hope the he takes me up on the idea, and before he leaves I will say the same thing to him that I say when the wife and I leave him in charge of the house for a weekend. "Don't do anything dumb, and don't do anything to **** me off." He's a great kid, we are very proud of him. Smart, heavily involved in sports, extremely trustworthy...I think this will be good for him and I won't have any worries.

...but just in case, I have a buddy who owns an awesome body shop.
As I said in my post above, I LIKED cars when I got my first one and then my second one in high school.

But I didn't get hooked until I drove my Dad's Wildcat with the 400 big block. First time we got out on a back road, my Dad looks at my Mom with a goofy grin and goes, "Alright son, floor it!." I'll always remember the way that things front end raised up and threw me back in the seat.

I been a car guy since. I think your plan may just work. Good luck.
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Old 02-08-2012, 10:37 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

Originally Posted by JasonD
You know how some people learn to swim by being thrown in a pool? On the day my son turns 16 this year, I am sure we will put some attention to him getting his driver's license. On that day, I will just hand him the keys to the Camaro and tell him to go take it for a spin.

He might take me up on it. And maybe...just maybe...he will pull up next to some chick he goes to school with at a stop light. And maybe...just maybe...he will get the reaction we all would have wanted to get at that time in our lives. For all of us, it is different...but you all know what I am talking about.

And then...he will get it. Without question, he will get it.

And then he will leave her in a cloud of smoke and rubber when the light turns green. And there won't be a way to make me more proud.
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Old 02-08-2012, 11:54 AM
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Re: Today's kids just don't care about cars (or driving) anymore

My daughter is 14 and talks about getting her permit asap. She also tends to think that she is getting my camaro or the MG Midget I'm rebuilding as her car...haha...wishful thinking on her part. She may get to use them but only while saving for her own car. My 10 year old son also has the same ideas about getting my Camaro or Midget. Same deal for him too but atleast they are excited to drive. My daughter got to drive in a parking lot back around Christmas. She had the biggest smile on her face after she was done. She wants a car and her license bad!
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