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SpdFrk1990 02-23-2004 07:21 PM

Why is this section called fifth gen if no1 knows nething about it.

Chris 96 WS6 02-23-2004 08:09 PM

Originally posted by SpdFrk1990
Why is this section called fifth gen if no1 knows nething about it.
If you took the time to read some posts in here and browse rather than shoot your mouth off, you'd realize that several people here know quite a damn bit about the 5th gen Camaro, more than they even can say here on a public board.

There's a lot of info about the 5th gen here if you are patient and intelligent enough to find it and absorb it. A little respect in this forum goes a long way dude.

You asked if we had pics...there is nothing known yet about the way the car will look, so no pics to show. But information is a totally different thing.

P.S.--save the AIM spelling for AIM, I think most of us would prefer to read fully formed words and sentences. ;)

SpdFrk1990 02-23-2004 08:12 PM

Looks to me that ur the one shooting ur mouth off . Also how do u know about a car if u dont know how it looks ull know what it might have but thats not mainly what sells a car. Oh and the reason i made this post is i thought there were pix or drawling of it i heard rumors figured some1 would have some. I did look at other post didnt find what i wanted.

Chris 96 WS6 02-23-2004 08:21 PM

Originally posted by SpdFrk1990
Looks to me that ur the one shooting ur mouth off . Also how do u know about a car if u dont know how it looks ull know what it might have but thats not mainly what sells a car. Oh and the reason i made this post is i thought there were pix or drawling of it i heard rumors figured some1 would have some. I did look at other post didnt find what i wanted.
I think you just proved my point(s).

By the way, its D R A W I N G, not drawling. Draw is pencil to paper, drawl is an accent or dialect.

SpdFrk1990 02-23-2004 08:24 PM

WOW What does that have to do with the subject you found a miss spelled word good for you.

Chris 96 WS6 02-23-2004 08:30 PM

Originally posted by SpdFrk1990
WOW What does that have to do with the subject you found a miss spelled word good for you.
No, its really multi-fold

1. You continue to misspell a very common word despite the fact that everyone else has been spelling it correctly. Not too quick on the uptake are we?

2. You have a grand total of 12 points but come in here like you own the place. If you were more respectful you would come in, read a bit and "pay your dues" so to speak. I think if you read for 30 minutes in here rather than post first thing, you'd already be way ahead of yourself in terms of knowing what's up with the 5th gen.

3. Lets see what we know. We know the year the car should debut, we know what the top V8 will probably be in it, we know what rear suspension it should have, what chassis it will be made off of, what other cars will share that chassis, and that the styling will be evolutionary, not revolutionary or retro. But I guess since we don't know what it will look like all that other info is irrelevant.

But you are too busy being a punk to take the time to find any of that information. Its all here in this forum, you just have to look at it.

u need 2 check ur self b4 u rek ur self dood.

SpdFrk1990 02-23-2004 08:35 PM

Well for 1 im in like 4 different camaro boards and i just joined this 1 cause i wanted to know about the new camaro. So i really didnt feel like takin 2 hrs to read all the post. Also there are alot of people that miss spell common words i dunno about you but i havnt had to spell correctly for awhile the only time i write is online.

Chris 96 WS6 02-23-2004 08:39 PM

I can forgive the spelling but I cannot forgive your presumptuousness.

It is common courtesy to read and maybe run some searches FIRST before asking questions that may have been asked a dozen times already. What's so hard about that?

You don't have the time to read some? That is your problem, not ours. You should feel lucky anyone replied to your post at all IMO.

SpdFrk1990 02-23-2004 08:46 PM

Ok sorry but i did skim through some post seen links like (if you never seen the concept b4 click this) figure that would mean somethin to look at. None of them worked tho so i thought maybe some1 had pictures which is why i asked. Also if u dont think its worth replyin to dont.

Fenster 02-23-2004 08:52 PM


Yeah dude there is countless tidbits of information on this site and in this forum about the "5th gen Camaro." There are clues to what it will be like and what it will have in it powertrain wise. Sit back and read and do a search like so many others have done and I guarentee that you will find more than enough information to suit your appetite.

If you are on 4 other camaro forums, do you act this way on them. Don't come on and blast a respected guy on this forum who has over 3,000 posts here. Don't think you will must respect or information if you act rude.

Not trying to gang up on you, but from an outside viewer, you came across as cross first.

SpdFrk1990 02-23-2004 08:57 PM

Its cool man i was just tryin to get some quick info i dont see what the big deal was. He was the first person to blast some1 so i think that is kinda not needed . Alot of guys get mad when people dont search but i always replyed and helped them. Alot of times its hard to find what u want in a search. Now it is kinda crazy when they ask questions like will 4th gen seats fit in a thirdgen but i still wouldnt be a dick and go off on them.

Chris 96 WS6 02-23-2004 09:01 PM

Oh so now I'm a dick, LOL.

:rolleyes: :lol:

gabez28 02-23-2004 09:07 PM

4 other camaro forums??? Wow and your telling me no one in those other forums knew that there aren't any pics or drawings of a 5th gen.:lol:

SpdFrk1990 02-23-2004 09:09 PM

nope well prob cause the main 1 i talk in is only 3rd gen related.

stars1010 02-23-2004 09:10 PM

Originally posted by SpdFrk1990
Well for 1 im in like 4 different camaro boards and i just joined this 1 cause i wanted to know about the new camaro. So i really didnt feel like takin 2 hrs to read all the post. Also there are alot of people that miss spell common words i dunno about you but i havnt had to spell correctly for awhile the only time i write is online.
My advice to you is to sit back, calm down and just drop by here once a day lurking. I have been coming here for over 3 years and I know nearly everything possible to know about the next Camaro. You say your part of four other Camaro boards? That means very little. This site is and specifically this forum is unlike any other. But congratulations, you just found the only place on the internet that has not only some of the best insiders around the industry but has also united all of the upcoming info for the next Camaro in one place. This site is a gold mine. We’ll over look your first remarks. This is a grown up forum, we’ll let you slip once. But trust me if you don’t always open your mouth around here and just read its amazing what you can find out. Welcome to the board.

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