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slingshot 09-27-2007 02:52 PM

Some unions are good I agree, but if a factory worker at GM makes enough money for an extra house, or makes as much money as an employee with a college degree, that is wrong. There is no education in putting a fender on a car, even the factories have hoists to hold the fender in place while the worker is screwing it on...My brother was an intern engineer with Chrysler and saw it all with the new Sebring that they released. I am glad something happened in a positive way so GM can become competitive.

CLEAN 09-27-2007 04:29 PM

I'll bet your degreed brother must really hate it when guys get paid millions to hit a ball w/ a stick. Looks like he chose the wrong career! :D

christianjax 10-02-2007 09:31 AM

I never said that the upper management of the American automotive industry were mental giants. But By FAR, Unions are the biggest money grubbing whores and the biggest expense to maintaining buisness for them. Employment should NEVER be in the power of the EMPLOYED. That's not the most productive way to run things. If you know you can't be fired for being a lazy, unproductive whiner, then chances are that's EXACTLY what you will be. Here's a tip. EARN your money. Don't extort it.

Rampant 10-02-2007 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by CLEAN (Post 4894901)
I'll bet your degreed brother must really hate it when guys get paid millions to hit a ball w/ a stick. Looks like he chose the wrong career! :D

Not many people can consistently hit a curving ball hurled at them at 80mph. That is a skill learned over countless hours of practice.

Anyone could screw on a fender. It just takes a few seconds to learn.

Let's try to compare apples to apples here please.

Becoming an actor would have been a much better analogy. I mean, if Nicolas Cage can get paid millions for what his "acting" -- anyone should be able to. :D

Capn Pete 10-03-2007 07:09 AM

Unions have their place in the workplace, but I agree, many aspects of them have gone too far. Considering the automotive industry is a "retail" based industry, then it's only reasonable to expect that it will go up and down with the times and the economy. Pretty much ANYBODY who works in retail (or any type of "sales") knows the effect of poor sales ..... bad pay cheques! While it's "nice" that the UAW & CAW have been able to "secure" so many peoples' wages in a retail position, it's also (clearly) not good when the company can't make decisions about their direction without being pushed around by their employees!

I mean really, if THE BOSS pays YOU to show up and work, why do YOU get to tell THE BOSS how it's going to be?! :confused:

I myself work in a large unionized environment, and sometimes I shake my head at the attitude that I see at work :rolleyes: ("gimme, gimme, gimme!!! :cry:") ... it's actually pretty pathetic. Especially considering the AGE of some of these "whiners". Heh, and I'm still in my 20's and I think it's ridiculous!

christianjax 10-03-2007 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by Capn Pete (Post 4905081)
Unions have their place in the workplace, but I agree, many aspects of them have gone too far. Considering the automotive industry is a "retail" based industry, then it's only reasonable to expect that it will go up and down with the times and the economy. Pretty much ANYBODY who works in retail (or any type of "sales") knows the effect of poor sales ..... bad pay cheques! While it's "nice" that the UAW & CAW have been able to "secure" so many peoples' wages in a retail position, it's also (clearly) not good when the company can't make decisions about their direction without being pushed around by their employees!

I mean really, if THE BOSS pays YOU to show up and work, why do YOU get to tell THE BOSS how it's going to be?! :confused:

I myself work in a large unionized environment, and sometimes I shake my head at the attitude that I see at work :rolleyes: ("gimme, gimme, gimme!!! :cry:") ... it's actually pretty pathetic. Especially considering the AGE of some of these "whiners". Heh, and I'm still in my 20's and I think it's ridiculous!

Thanks for proving my point. Union employees have the power. That should NEVER be the case. If you owned a buisness and had an unproductive "worker" that sat around and bitched all the time about their pay (when in fact they are grossly OVERPAID) would you not fire their sorry butt? BUT NOOOOOO. The UNIONS won't allow that. You have to reward poor behavior and poor workmanship and poor attitudes with unrealistic raises and benefits. Unions serve ONE purpose in this day and age. Thier OWN benefit. Screw the company they work for as long as they can pay them. I loath unions. They are a boil on productivity's a$$.

90rocz 10-03-2007 07:46 PM

WOW....the lack of knowledge about Unions, and laughable stereotyping is astonishing....just wow....

somethings to consider:

GM workers strike on job security, economic issues
In recent years, UAW members have done their part by working with the company on issues such as the corporate restructuring, the attrition plan, the Delphi bankruptcy, the 2005 health care agreement and numerous quality, productivity and health and safety issues. Workers gave up a 3 percent general wage increase in 2006 and cost of living allowances.

“We’ve met and solved all of GM’s problems since 2003,” he added. We’ve worked with General Motors on every issue that came before them.”

“We’ve done a lot of things to help that company,” Gettelfinger said. “There comes a point in time when you have to draw the line in the sand.”

“It’s become apparent to us that as much as workers give, they cannot give enough,” Gettelfinger said. “As much as executives get, they cannot get enough.”

“Throughout this time period," said Gettelfinger, "it has been the dedication of UAW members that has helped GM set new standards for safety, quality and productivity in their manufacturing facilities. And in this current round of bargaining, we did everything possible to negotiate a new contract, including an unprecedented agreement to stay at the bargaining table nine days past the expiration of the previous agreement.”

Rampant 10-04-2007 12:42 AM

^ while I hear what you are saying, and it is valid (sometimes the "unions are the only cause for our downfall" is a bit much), but what you presented is clearly biased from the unions perspective.

The simple fact they are striking over job security is a tough one for me to swallow. It is incredibly hard to run a business when you can't fire people that either a) don't do a good job, or b) you can't afford to pay. It means you have to make potentially bad business decisions in order to keep within the contract. Bad business decisions which may, ultimately make it worse in the future to live up to the contract, snowballing downward.

Job security is not a common thing this day and age, it is just a fact of life -- and it shouldn't be forced on a business. But, the business shouldn't be able to take advantage of the employee either. It is difficult for both sides. I am just glad to hear they reached an agreement.

Now, if they can just close the plant to retool for the Camaro....oh, say, now -- I would be really happy! :D

christianjax 10-04-2007 05:37 AM

I have worked on union sets before (movies/tv shows) I know what I'm talking about. UNPRODUCTIVE. It takes a union crew about 5 times longer to do what a non union crew does. Why do you think it really takes $100million to make a movie these days? It ain't all going to the bloated star's pay. And the very fact that EMPLOYEES can decide to NOT go to work because they have a whiny a$$ed beef is rediculous. I've NEVER belonged to a union and I've NEVER been "taken advantage of" by an employer. Sure there was a day when things were different, and unions play a big part in changing that. But now that it is fixed, unions are nothing but a parasite sucking any profit and productivity out of a business. If you want to make more money than you are worth it seems that you have two choices. 1. make better choices in your life. or 2. Join a union and stick it to the man.
And all you unions guys out there reading this know this is true. You're just affraid that if enough people gripe about what your unions have done to this country, you'll loose your gravy train.

Capn Pete 10-04-2007 06:28 AM

^ ^ HOWEVER, are all unions just blatently over-paid, OR, is it because of the strength of the unions that the workers have been able to negotiate the wages that they SHOULD be making, as opposed to the people in private industry who have to bust their balls for barely over minimum wage?! :rolleyes: Have you not considered that the unions aren't over-paid, but many others are simply UNDER-paid?? :shrug: I realize not all companies can afford to pay HUGE salaries, but I also know that many large businesses, non-union, CAN afford to pay their employees significantly more than they do, but because they're private and/or family run, they're cheap, rake in all the profits for themselves, and pay their employees a bare minimum wage. I've worked in that environment too, and trust me, it's discouraging ... LITERALLY I asked for a 50 cent raise over the wage they offered me, and the "best they could do" was 25 cents an hour :rolleyes:. THAT'S almost equally BS as the "over-paid" unions :shrug:.

christianjax 10-04-2007 07:31 AM

Originally Posted by Capn Pete (Post 4907124)
^ ^ HOWEVER, are all unions just blatently over-paid, OR, is it because of the strength of the unions that the workers have been able to negotiate the wages that they SHOULD be making, as opposed to the people in private industry who have to bust their balls for barely over minimum wage?! :rolleyes: Have you not considered that the unions aren't over-paid, but many others are simply UNDER-paid?? :shrug: I realize not all companies can afford to pay HUGE salaries, but I also know that many large businesses, non-union, CAN afford to pay their employees significantly more than they do, but because they're private and/or family run, they're cheap, rake in all the profits for themselves, and pay their employees a bare minimum wage. I've worked in that environment too, and trust me, it's discouraging ... LITERALLY I asked for a 50 cent raise over the wage they offered me, and the "best they could do" was 25 cents an hour :rolleyes:. THAT'S almost equally BS as the "over-paid" unions :shrug:.

It's all relative. Jobs usually pay competively with equal jobs in the market. I work in TV. In Jacksonville for what I do I get paid on par with what the job pays FOR MY MARKET. Now if I wanted to live in New York or L.A. again, I'd be making a lot more for the same job. (I'd also be paying out the a$$ for cost of living). Employers know that in order to get quality workers they have to pay a competitive wage. That's just common sense. There are no sweat shops left in this country. Plus if you don't like the pay, go find a job somewhere else. Don't form a union and EXTORT the pay YOU think you deserve from your employer. We are a free enterprise market, not a socialist regime (unless the Hildabeast is elected next year at least). That's how capitalism works. Competition. Its more productive that way. Even YOU would have agree with that.

90rocz 10-04-2007 08:21 AM

I've worked in the UAW for over 12 years, and just got my first wage increase last year.:confused:
How is that overpaid??
How many jobs out there require, "NON-STOP" physical labor for the entire day?? smoke breaks, no stopping and talking about last night's game, etc. Even when you have to go to the restroom, you have to get permission and a replacement...
I've worked in construction; for a transplant factory; at a hotel restaurant etc...NONE of any other jobs I've worked is like assembly line work...It pays pretty good because the work warrants it.

And sure, there's corruption etc in unions; so is there in government, but like government it's a neccessary evil, today more than ever, a check and balance...especially in the face of Globalization.

But there's many more good, hard working, safety conscience, professional people, doing jobs many don't want to do, and take great pride in their work, to keep this country strong.

Do you make a decent wage at your Non-Union job???

You can bet you have a Union to thank for that too...

Companies will not pay a penny more than they think they can get away with, and with no opposition, where would the average wage be today?

The push for the return of sweat shops is present today, though many will not acknowledge it by company personnaly wants 59 hour work weeks, 10 hours of mandantory continous work a day, and 3, 9 hour Saturdays a month! our new contract talks...the Union is all that may help me.

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