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ZaneO 02-21-2005 07:57 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?

BirchMan98z 02-21-2005 08:17 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
Okay, you have mail. The quality of the photos aren't great, but the digital cam I use is only 1.2 megapixel. Also, these are just what I have available on one computer. To attest to the quality of my work I even included a picture of my wrecked '95. As you can see even days after the wreck the finish on the undamaged parts is still glossy like new.

Note one picture is only a car in the background, but like I said, I'm working with limited resources here.

Included in the series of photos are 2 shots of a "true" rare f1 camaro after a complete restoration after it was rolled. Much of the body work was done by yours truly.

ZaneO 02-21-2005 08:26 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
Well, they're nice pictures, but I would like to see pictures of before and afters, swirl removal, oxidation removal, etc.






BirchMan98z 02-21-2005 08:29 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
As I don't rely on my detail work as my main source of income, pictures of before/during/after are tough to come by, but I'll try my best to accomodate our house detail expert.

ZaneO 02-21-2005 08:31 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
I don't claim to be an expert, but don't talk crap if you don't have any means to back it up.

P.S. I'd love to see the "figure head's" car or a Ferrari.

BirchMan98z 02-21-2005 08:37 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
Looks like I sent you pics, being a man of my word and not one to simply talk smack on a web forum to try to impress. Anything else I can do to make your life more liveable?

Note that wasn't a shot at you, it was a jab at how many people manipulate the forum.

ZaneO 02-21-2005 08:41 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
Those pics are all you have?

All this talk and all you have to show is some far away shots of Z28s?

I wasn't trying to impress started spouting off, so I offered some of my work as credit for my advice.

P.S. Photobucket has free picture hosting.

BirchMan98z 02-21-2005 08:58 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
LOL I wasn't spouting off, I was simply stating facts that nearly every wax product out there has, printed on the label, a recommendation for cotton terrycloth towels. Wouldn't make sense to argue this with me because I'm right.

Furthermore, You asked for pics, spouted off to ME your silly sarcasm and now you can't come to grips with the fact that I backed up my work, gave several pictures which are no further in distance than the cars on your website, and I actually gave pictures of the glossy paint finish, not some hoopty chrome grill, or a brand new corvette that didn't need a wax in the first place looking shiny. I gave pictures of older, mistreated cars that I restored and gave a like-new appearance to. I respect what you do for a living, but grow up.

To think all this started because I prefer terrycloth and a little elbow grease to microfiber and kid gloves. Considering I already stated I don't rely on my detailing as my only source of income, how can you expect me to have all the pictures you request? I gave you what I've got, and as far as I'm concerned, that was generous of me. It's not my main line of work, just profitable enthusiasm for cars.

I hope you don't conduct business the way you act on this forum because it won't be long before you're in line picking up your unemployment check. After all, "The business owner is always right" attitude won't work too well for customers.

You can have your method of detailing a car, and I'll keep using mine. Let's just agree to disagree and quit wasting valuable space. Have a nice day.

ZaneO 02-21-2005 09:27 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
You're free to use any method and any product you choose. I just wanted to see some of your high-dollar work that you talked about, but you don't seem to have any pictures showing how well your methods work.

Hoopty chrome grille? Brand new Corvette that doesn't need wax?? I honestly don't know what you are talking about.

The only people who ever have a problem with me or my attitude are people who talk big. Sorry, I just step up when I feel the need to.

There aren't any hard feelings on this end :cool:

BirchMan98z 02-21-2005 09:37 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
Fair enough-- just don't see how you can feel that a hand buff is ineffective, considering 1) I showed what pictures I have available of the results 2) people have been hand waxing/buffing their cars for decades.

But at any rate, I'd rather quit before this topic grows 8 pages long, I don't have anything to prove---- do you?

Good luck in your business ventures.

ZaneO 02-21-2005 10:56 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
I was just wanting some pictures showing swirl removal by hand...that's all.

BTW, there are many microfiber towels that are a terry cloth weave.

It's certainly not that I have anything to prove; it's just that I want to correctly educate as many people as possible.

Fast Orange 02-21-2005 11:06 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
ehhh... i finish with 3m hand glaze and remove with the recomended 3m micro fiber wipes.. or i just do it with the buffer the first nothing like some final glaze and 2100 rpms..

ZaneO 02-21-2005 11:10 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?

Originally Posted by Fast Orange
2100 rpms..

:eek: :eek: That's a really high speed :eek: :eek:

Fast Orange 02-21-2005 11:26 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?
yes sir.. i get er done.. i usaully start at like 1800 then go to 2100.. 1800 with a little pressure then 2100 with hardly any pressure.. show quality..

Fast Orange 02-21-2005 11:36 PM

Re: Waxing a black SS, use what?

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